Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I know if I qualify for R&D tax credits?
A: The scope of eligibility for Research and Development (R&D) tax credits goes far beyond the common perception held by many companies. The scope includes typical product development activities as well as a myriad of activities and operational aspects, including:
- Introduction of innovative manufacturing processes
- Advancement of software development initiatives
- Enhancement of quality standards
Q: How much can I claim in tax credits?
A: Section 41 doesn't have amount limitations on the credit but there are usage limitations.
Q: What if my company is a start-up enterprise?
A: Startup enterprises can use their tax credits to offset their payroll tax obligations for up to five years.
Q: Why is Section 174 R&E important?
A: Section 174 of the IRS code requires taxpayers to capitalize and amortize specified research and experimental (R&E) expenditures over a defined period rather than allowing these costs to be deducted as current business expenses. Failing to follow this new code will result in the firm being penalized by the IRS.
Q: What is the Section 174 Amortization Period?
A: Taxpayers must charge specified R&E expenditures to a capital account. US-based research may be amortized over five years. Foreign-based research must be amortized over 15 years.