R&D Tax Credit
We help improve cashflow

At Trueuro we help firms improve their cashflow by reducing their tax liability while using tax credits to reduce payroll taxes by a potential $500,000 annually.
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Maximize Savings

Significantly reduce tax liabilities

Higher Profits

Dollar for dollar payroll tax reduction

Trusted Partner

Over 10 years of tax consultation
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What We Do
We help improve cashflow

At TRUEURO we help firms improve their cashflow by reducing their tax liability along with potentially using tax credits to reduce payroll taxes by up to $500,000 annually. 

Sound interesting? Schedule a meeting with us now.
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How we do it
A well oiled approach

We work with your firm's financial team to uncover activities that qualify as R&E expenditures and tax credits.
We also make certain your firm remains compliant with recent IRS regulatory changes that require proper expenditure amortization.

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Our Three Pillars to Improving Business Cashflows

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Scope of Eligibility
Does Your Firm Qualify?

R&D tax credits are available to all organizations that engage in activities to improve products or processes.

Qualifying Activities
Don't let your perception of R&D limit you. Tax credit-eligible activities extend beyond most commonly held perceptions, potentially offering your company significant benefits.

Retroactive Application
Depending on the timing of your tax filing, it may be possible to assert R&D credits for up to three preceding tax years. You can still salvage prior year payroll credits.

Loss-Incurring Companies
Start-ups and other companies that operate at a loss can carry forward tax credits with the IRS for up to 20 years.

Start-up Benefits
Start-ups can take advantage of our services and reduce their payroll taxes by up to $500,000, providing significant savings for their business.

Ready to learn more about your potential tax credits?
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Businesses Served


Dollar for Dollar Tax Reduction


Improved Cash Flow


Competitive Edge Gained
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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I know if I qualify for R&D tax credits?

A: The scope of eligibility for Research and Development (R&D) tax credits goes far beyond the common perception held by many companies. The scope includes typical product development activities as well as a myriad of activities and operational aspects, including:
  • Introduction of innovative manufacturing processes
  • Advancement of software development initiatives
  • Enhancement of quality standards

Q: How much can I claim in tax credits?

A: Section 41 doesn't have amount limitations on the credit but there are usage limitations. 

Q: What if my company is a start-up enterprise?

A: Startup enterprises can use their tax credits to offset their payroll tax obligations for up to five years.

Q: Why is Section 174 R&E important?

A: Section 174 of the IRS code requires taxpayers to capitalize and amortize specified research and experimental (R&E) expenditures over a defined period rather than allowing these costs to be deducted as current business expenses. Failing to follow this new code will result in the firm being penalized by the IRS.

Q: What is the Section 174 Amortization Period?

A: Taxpayers must charge specified R&E expenditures to a capital account. US-based research may be amortized over five years. Foreign-based research must be amortized over 15 years.
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Ready to Start?

Join the hundreds of companies where we've helped save over $100M in reclaimed taxes. We'll find every credit you're entitled to and amortize correctly so you can keep more of your hard-earned money.
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Give us a call or send us a message using the form below.